
Showing posts from August, 2022

The night picture looks like charcoal burning. Why the hell are the nightlights so strong?

The night picture looks like charcoal burning. Why the hell are the nightlights so strong? awesome 120 Likes 9 Comments Debbie Johnson Regina Bowler The difference is night and day Robert A. Patterson MuSt bE AwEsOmE tO lIvE rIgHt On The BoArDeR bEtWeEn NiGhT aNd Day Syed Masrequzzaman Sadly due to the City’s Major is now a shithole ...

Japanese nuclear electrical revival ambition

  Japanese nuclear electrical revival ambition analytics Imane Ait El 28 Aug 2022 (51) More than a decade after the Fukushima disaster, Japan seemed to be ready to return to the nuclear power to deal with the energy crisis. Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said on August 24, saying that his country would restart many nuclear power plants and consider the possibility of developing a new generation reactor. Photo:  Reuters As a result of the ...

only in the childhood... ok then

only in the childhood... ok then comic 105 Likes 8 Comments Patricia Best Drella Johnson I wonder if there's an explanation for why people all over the world have these shared childhood experiences. Dana Newberry Yup I done all these. Beth Davis Thanks for not adding the shitty "nObOdY" caption ...

Sounds like the normal millennial here

Sounds like the normal millennial here savage 189 Likes 18 Comments Carey Jordan Thet Myat Noe Since I have more will to live than you, can I have your money? Amna Khan Niazi Krystal Brewster So edgy Kelly Nichole Presley Believe me, it'll only get worse. Have you picked a favor...